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Rules and Regulations

Admissions and Leave

  • The mandatory notice period to a vacant room is 30 days, and you must notify us before that time if you intend
    to leave the room.
  • You have to submit the KYC (Pan Card, Aadhar Card & Address Proof like Electricity Bill of Residence) with
    passport Size Photograph.
  • You have to submit the photo copy documents of concern College or Office like Id Card of College or
    Appointment letter of Office.
  • Minimum 3 months stay is compulsory.
  • Leaving date for P.G will be last date of any month.
  • If you don’t leave on that day as mentioned above, then you have to pay full month rent.
  • Once leave form is filled afterwards if you want to re‐join then new rules and regulation will be followed.
  • Before you leave you have to submit your room Keys, Wardrobe keys, laundry bag, food card, etc. or else fine
    will be deducted from deposit amount.
  • You will be required to pay the full month’s rent if you vacate the premises before the last day of the month or
    on an odd day.
  • If you leave the PG for a short period of time, you must pay the entire month’s rent because your bed will be

Refund Policy

  •  No refund will be provided if you are on vacation.
  • No refund will be provided in case of cancellation of advance booking.
  • If you Leave P.G before 3 months of joining, your security deposit will not be refundable.
  • Security Deposit is refundable only if the original deposit receipt is submitted back to management.
  • Any kind of refund will be provided within 2 weeks after you leave.
  • Refund will be provided in same mode payment, as original payment mode.

Deposit & Rent

  • Every financial year 10% Increase in Rent.
  • Last month rent has to paid, it will not be adjusted against the deposit.
  • Deposit & Rent is non‐transferable.
  • Equal sharing in electric bill.
    • (e.g., If the room is 3 sharing but only live 2 persons then it will be divided between 2)
  • The resident is required to make prompt and proper payment of all fees and charges.
  • In the event of a continuous payment default, M Living reserves the right to immediately terminate the
    agreement and evict the defaulter resident.
  • In the case of unpaid rent, occupants could not be permitted to take vacations or refuse to leave the property with their possessions until the issue is handled and all outstanding debts are paid.
  • Rent should be paid within first five days of every month. Otherwise, late fee will be applicable.

Intoxication, Betting and Gambling

  • M Living firmly rejects the usage, sale, and distribution of cigarettes, alcohol, and/or psychoactive drugs inside the home. Inside the House, no one, including residents, may possess, distribute, or use any psychoactive drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (including tobacco products like cigarettes). If M Living Representatives become aware of any such action, they may cancel the
    resident agreement and notify the parents or college authorities as appropriate. Gambling and betting of any
    kind are absolutely forbidden inside the house.
  •  Any resident may be asked to submit to a breathalyzer test if M Living deems it essential, and in such circumstances, the person is required to cooperate.

Care of the Building, Common Areas and Rooms

  • The crime of vandalism is serious. Vandalism relates to and incorporates any and all actions that result in the destruction, damage, or property destruction of any assertor property that is M Living-owned. In regards to being evicted from the hostel, residents who are found guilty of such an offence must pay all expenses incurred by M Living as a result of the damage or destruction.
  • The common areas of the building, such as the lobby, stairways, and seating area, etc., as well as the residents’ rooms and bathrooms are all resident’s responsibility.
  • Residents are not permitted to move any furniture or other items in the house’s common areas at any time.
  • Residents are required to report any damage to the house right away to M Living Representatives. Except for damages brought on by normal wear and tear, residents will be responsible for paying any costs or expenses to the property resulting from their use or misuse of the property.
  • The M Living management team must first give its approval before moving any heavy equipment using the lifts, and residents are expected to use them carefully.
  • All food kept in the room/ common area/ pantry must be stored in suitable containers or wrapped tightly to prevent insects or rodents from accessing it. Stale, unfinished or waste food must be immediately thrown in the dustbins.
  • The keys to the residents’ rooms and closets must be kept secure. They will be responsible for covering the cost of new keys in the event of loss. It is restricted to change the locks on the main door and the closet before even notifying the M Living Representatives.
  • Room Cleaning will be done every day.
  • Random checking of room and luggage will be done for security and safety purpose.
  • No interchanging of rooms.

Mannerism & Behaviour

  • Residents and guests who are found to be intoxicated may be asked to leave the property.
  • According to the Indian Penal Code, 1860, ragging is categorically prohibited and is a punishable offence. All ragging incidents that are brought to M Living Representatives’ attention will be reported to the relevant legal authorities.
  • All of M Living’s staff members and service providers, such as cleaning, security, and food vendors, are treated with respect and decency. It is anticipated that all M Living workers, agents, and service providers would respect this philosophy in their interactions with the residents.
  • Making loud noises, including playing loud music between 9.30 PM to 6.00 AM is strictly prohibited.
  • Residents should not act in any way that the neighbors or the community find objectionable, either on the property or in the neighborhoods close to the property.
  • The resident must work with the M Living Representative to complete police verification, FRRO compliance, and any other mandatory compliances as soon as possible.
  • If anyone found misbehaving with staff then legal steps will be taken.

Security & Safety

  • Houses may be entered and exited by the residents between designated timings, unless they have acquired the permission to enter and/or exit during the night hours as specified for the property. (Night Hours may vary from property to property. The residents shall check the notice board for these timings)
  • M Living is not responsible for the loss of any private property. The residents are strongly advised to keep secure and lock all their valuables e.g., mobile phones, laptop, watches, money etc. at all times. While going on leave, they must keep all their belongings securely packed in their bags or cupboards.
  • M Living maintains the right to open and enter any room while the student is on leave in order to perform such maintenance work because building repairs and maintenance are a continual and scheduled business. The same procedure would be followed in front of representatives from M Living and Security. M Living will not consider any such claims for the loss or damage of any of the resident’s unsecured or loose possessions.
  • In the houses, it is completely forbidden to possess, distribute, or use any kind of firearm, dangerous weapon (including air guns), illegal substance, alcoholic beverage, or poisonous or hazardous item. We retain the right to inspect residents’ and visitors’ baggage at any time, seizing any illegal drugs that may be discovered in their possession or in their luggage.
  • All building occupants should exercise patience and co-operation with the M Living Representatives in the event of any crises.

House Keeping

  • Cleaning of the room may be carried out in the absence of resident as well, so the residents are advised not to leave their valuables open and unsecured in their room. The residents must ensure their valuables are always safely placed in storage and the rooms are always kept locked.
  • Littering the room and common spaces is not allowed.

Photography & Filming

  • The common areas in Houses are under CCTV Surveillance for safety and security of the residents, the residents are advised to maintain decorum in common areas and not to obstruct / change the view of CCTV by any means.
  • Photography and filming shall be allowed but the residents shall maintain the privacy of other residents.


  • The residents shall inform the M Living Representative before dialing Police Emergency Numbers i.e., ‘100’ in case of any emergency.
  • We have received a notice from the Gujarat Police that they will conduct random checks on our premises, and if any person is found to be in possession of alcohol, drugs, or any other type of narcotic of illegal item/substances, we will take strict action against them.
  • If any tax, rules, or Notice will come from government then it will be applied without any notice period.


  • Before entering the house, all guests must register at the reception desk and supply all information and documentation as requested by the M Living Security team.
  • Residents’ friends and family members are welcome to visit them at the reception area at any time besides during the night hours.
  • With the permission of the resident’s roommate, visitors may only be of the same gender. The guest will only be permitted in the communal spaces if the roommate objects. Only visitors of the opposite sex are permitted up to the reception area.
  • If a resident’s visitors want to stay on the property for one or more nights, proper authorization must be obtained in advance from the M Living staff. The availability of the same is a condition of the authorization. The resident will get an invoice for the cost of the stay and associated expenditures. The M Living representative may be contacted for further information about the length of the stay, the amenities offered, the related costs, etc.
  • If a resident is not present, the M Living Representatives will not host guests of the resident.
  • All activities of the resident’s guest shall be the exclusive responsibility and financial liability of the resident.
  • If utility usage spikes significantly, a guest behaves inappropriately, or the building’s ability to transport people is in any way jeopardised, the local resident administration maintains the right to impose limits on visitor access.


  • Water should only be used sparingly. As soon as they become aware of any water leaks, tenants should notify security or a M Living representative.
  • For hot water, electric geyser is provided. Any injuries/ accidents caused, due to the water heating geyser being left on / used continuously will not be the responsibility of the management.
  • Residents will be subject to punishment if they are caught using electric cookers, coffee makers, roti makers, heaters, or any other flammable material within a room.
  • If you damage (any electric or plumbing components, furniture such as a door window), you must pay the market rate.
  • No animals or pets will be brought inside the house by any person.
  • Under the guidance of the M Living Representatives, electricians, contractors, or any other service personnel may access rooms as and when required in the course of their duties. The M Living Representative is responsible for ensuring that every such activity respects the residents’ privacy and dignity.
  • If necessary or required, the M Living Representatives retain the right to relocate tenants to other rooms.
  • The M Living team retains the right to make modifications to the rules and regulations from time to time. Any such changes will be communicated to the residents via notifications. Any violation of the rules and regulations will not be excused by ignorance of any such revisions to the rules.
  • For the entertainment/games section, M Living offers a variety of consumables, such as remote batteries and equipment for games/sports like, dice, carrom coins, rackets, etc. The occupants are required to keep it in excellent shape. The resident who is accountable for any loss or damage to the aforementioned consumables is required to pay its actual price or repair cost.
  • Management will have the final say in any disagreement.